What is the Coldest Month in Phoenix, AZ?

The cold season in Phoenix, AZ lasts for three or two months, from November 21 to February 26, with an average daily high temperature below 74° F. The coldest month of the year in Phoenix is December, with an average minimum of 46° F and a maximum of 66° F. January is the coldest month in Phoenix, when the average temperature during the night is 43.4° F. On the other hand, during the warmest month, the average daytime temperature rises to 104.2° F.December is the coldest month of the year in Phoenix.

The average low temperatures drop to 45° F (7° C), while the high temperature will reach a maximum of 66° F (19° C). In addition, December also receives the fewest hours of sunshine per year, with only 236 hours expected. With pleasant and cool weather, December is a great time to get outdoors and explore the nature of Phoenix.If you're visiting Phoenix during this time of year, make sure to stop by the Phoenix Information Center on North Second Street in downtown Phoenix. Here you can find out more about what to do and see in this beautiful city.Whether you're looking for a winter getaway or just want to experience some cooler temperatures, December is the perfect time to visit Phoenix.

With its mild temperatures and plenty of sunshine, it's no wonder why so many people flock to this city during this time of year.

Amelia Thorns
Amelia Thorns

Evil music geek. Pop culture guru. Proud zombie evangelist. Extreme twitter maven. Proud social media lover. Award-winning pop culture lover.

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